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Bumpy Activity Book
Bumpy Brains Activity Book

Brain Anatomy (brainatomy):

Whole Brain
Comparative Anatomy

Course Topics:

Nervous System
Neurons & Glial Cells

The Whole Brain

  • Controls how you get around in your world
  • The adult brain is made of 100,000,000,000 neurons and lots more glial cells
  • Hangs out in the skull
  • Weighs 3 pounds
Vinny's Brain

Compare Brain Anatomy
Vinny's Brain Vinny's Cat's Brain

Above: The right sides of two brains.  Vinny's brain is much larger than his cat's brain.  However, the olfactory bulb in the cat's brain is much larger than in Vinny's.  The olfactory bulb is for smell, and cats have a greater sense of smell than humans (or human-like critters such as Vinny).
Our brains are made of 4 lobes - 2 of each per side (or hemisphere).
Vinny Brain Lateral
1 = Frontal Lobe (frontal and top of head)
2= Parietal Lobe (top and toward back of head)
3 = Occipital Lobe (back of head)
4 = Temporal Lobe (sides of head)

Lateral (side) Brain Outline
Vinny's Brain Outline
Try it! Click and drag the lobes (below) to the outline brain (above).
Frontal Lobe Occipital Lobe Parietal Lobe Temporal Lobe
Frontal Occipital Parietal Temporal
Lobes do different things (below are just some examples of functions):
  • Motor
  • Planning
  • Inhibiting
  • Speech output
  • Vision
  • Feeling touch
  • Spatial abilities
  • Hearing
  • Language comprehension
  • Memory

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